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Our team has worked for some of the biggest campaigns and organizations in the country. And every cycle, CleanSweep Campaigns limits its workload to ensure our clients get the attention they deserve. Please contact for more information about our work with any of these clients or if you’d like to review case studies on any of the many types of programs we’ve run.
Here are some of the many campaigns and organizations we have worked with...
National OrganizationsAFL-CIO America’s Families First American Federation of Teachers American Medical Association Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Coalition for Abortion Access and Reproductive Equity Compassion and Choices Democratic Attorneys General Association Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Governors Association EMILY’s List Federal Realty Investment Trust The Gill Foundation Grassroots Democrats Grosvenor Americas House Majority PAC League of Conservation Voters League of Conservation Voters Education Fund NARAL Foundation NARAL Pro-Choice America National Association of Realtors® PAC National Committee for an Effective Congress National Education Association National Wildlife Federation The Nature Conservancy Partnership Project Planned Parenthood Action Fund Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates Planned Parenthood Federation of America PowerPAC Progressive Future Progressive Legislative Action Network Service Employees International Union Sierra Club Skyline Public Works United Brotherhood of Carpenters Working America
State & Local Parties & OrganizationsAlameda County Democratic Party American Civil Liberties Union, Northern California Arizona Education Association Believe in Indiana Berkeley Chamber of Commerce Buck Institute for Research on Aging California American Water California Democratic Party California Labor Federation California Nurses Association California State Retirees California Teachers Association California Tribal Business Alliance California Wellness Foundation Californians for Informed Voting Carpenters District Council of Kansas City Central Santa Cruz Firefighters Colorado Conservation Voters Colorado League of Responsible Voters Colorado WINS Connecticut Committee for a Democratic State Senate Corona-Norco Teachers Association Davis Concerned Teachers PAC Defend Oregon Episcopal Senior Communities Families for Affordable SF Florida Democratic Party Forward Oregon, Oregon Coordinated Campaign Friends of Oakland Parks Fresno Central Labor Council Fresno County Democratic Central Committee Georgia Alliance for Tobacco Prevention IFPTE Local 21 Illinois Education Association Indiana House Democratic Caucus International United Auto Workers/Michigan CAP Iowa Democratic Party Jumpstart Vallejo Lift Up Contra Costa County Massachusetts Democratic Party Massachusetts Teachers Association Michigan League of Responsible Voters Michigan State Coordinated Campaign Napa/Solano Central Labor Council New Direction PAC New Jersey Education Association New Mexico Democratic Party Northern California Carpenters Regional Council Oakland Political Action Committee Oklahoma Democratic Coordinated Campaign Oregon Democratic Party Oregon Education Association Oregon League of Conservation Voters Our Oregon Our Washington Personal PAC (Illinois) Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California Planned Parenthood Chicago Area Planned Parenthood of Montana Planned Parenthood New York City Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii Responsible Voters for Florida’s Future San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council San Francisco Chamber of Commerce San Francisco Labor Council San Francisco Police Officers Association San Francisco Zoo San Joaquin Valley Leadership PAC Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee Santa Clara County Government Attorneys Association Santa Clara Valley Association of Realtors® SEIU, California State Council SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West SEIU, Local 521 SEIU, Local 1021 South Bay Labor Council Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Synopsis Science Fair Foundation UA, Local 159 United Educators of San Francisco United Teachers of Los Angeles Washington Conservation Voters Wisconsin Democratic Party
Congressional RacesBrian Baird for Congress, WA Tammy Baldwin for Congress, WI John Barrow for Congress, GA Lois Capps for Congress, CA Kathy Castor for Congress, FL Jim Davis for Congress, FL Kathy Dahlkemper for Congress, PA Peter DeFazio for Congress, OR Diana DeGette for Congress, CO Cal Dooley for Congress, CA Stephanie Herseth Sandlin for Congress, SD Tim Holden for Congress, PA Mike Honda for Congress, CA Darlene Hooley for Congress, OR Ron Kind,for Congress WI Tom Lantos for Congress, CA Doris Matsui for Congress, CA Jim McGovern for Congress, MA Jerry McNerney for Congress, CA Jimmy Panetta for Congress, CA Fortney (Pete) Stark for Congress, CA Ellen Tauscher for Congress, CA Bennie Thompson for Congress, MS Mike Thompson for Congress, CA Peter Welch for Congress, VT
State RacesCalifornia Joaquin Arambula for Assembly Rebecca Bauer-Kahan for Assembly Jim Beall for Assembly Jim Beall for State Senate John Dutra for Assembly Ash Kalra for Assembly Fred Keeley for Assembly John Laird for Assembly John Laird for State Senate Marc Levine for Assemby Fiona Ma for Assembly Kerry Mazzoni for Assembly Bill Monning for Assembly Bill Monning for State Senate Joe Nation for Assembly Sarah Reyes for Assembly Kevin Shelley for Assembly Mark Stone for Assembly Lori Wilson for Assembly Lois Wolk for State Senate Connecticut Bill Finch for State Senate Mary Ann Handley for State Senate Jonathan Harris for State Senate Chris Murphy for State Senate Gayle Slossberg for State Senate Kevin Sullivan for State Senate Florida Jim Davis for State Representative Margo Fischer for State Representative Suzanne Kosmas for State Representative Sheri McInvale for State Representative Shelley Vana for State Representative Doug Wiles for State Representative Illinois Lisa Madigan for Attorney General Rosemary Mulligan for State Representative Jeff Schoenberg for State Representative Jeff Schoenberg for State Senate Indiana Terri Austin for State Representative Bob Bischoff for State Representative Alan Chowning for State Representative Chet Dobis for State Representative Ryan Hatfield for State Representative Ron Herrell for State Representative Phil Hoy for State Representative Joe Micon for State Representative David Orentlicher for State Representative Phil GiaQuinta for State Representative Phil Pflum for State Representative Scott Reske for State Representative Dale Sturtz for State Representative Peggy Welch for State Representative Louisiana John Bel Edwards for Governor Massachusetts Ed Augustus for State Senate Oregon Kate Brown for Secretary of State Rod Monroe for State Senate Vermont William Goodenough for States Attorney
Local RacesAngela Alioto for Supervisor (San Francisco, CA) Blanca Alvarado for County Supervisor (Santa Clara County, CA) Susan Anderson for Supervisor (Fresno, CA) Judy Arnold for Supervisor (Novato, CA) Judy Arnold for City Council (Novato, CA) Denise Athas for City Council (Novato, CA) John Barton for City Council (Palo Alto, CA) Tom Bates for Mayor (Berkeley, CA) Cathy Baylock for City Council (Burlingame, CA) Carol Boigon for At-Large City Council (Denver, CO) Valerie Brown for Supervisor (Sonoma, CA) Willie Brown for Mayor (San Francisco, CA) Alysse Castro, Alameda County Superintendent of Schools Judy Chirco for City Council (San Jose, CA) Joseph Cho for City Council (Cerritos, CA,) Kansen Chu for City Council (San Jose, CA) Jose Cisneros for Treasurer (San Francisco, CA) Tom Collins for County Commissioner (Clark County, NV) Neal Coonerty for Supervisor (Santa Cruz, CA) Ryan Coonerty for City Council (Santa Cruz, CA) Ryan Coonerty for Supervisor (Santa Cruz, CA) Anne Cottrell for County Supervisor (Napa, CA) Kimbley Craig for Mayor (Salinas, CA) Diane Dillon for County Supervisor (Napa, CA) Jeff Dodd for Community College Board (Napa County) Robert Doyle for County Sheriff (Marin County, CA) Bevan Dufty for BART Board (San Francisco, CA) Dominic Dutra for City Council (Fremont, CA) Doug England for Mayor (New Albany, IN) Pam Foley for City Council (San Jose, CA) Carolyn Ford for City Council (Sausalito, CA) Zach Friend for Supervisor (Santa Cruz, CA) Jeff Gahan for Mayor (New Albany, IN) John Gallagher for Superior Court Judge (Santa Cruz, CA) Carolyn Goodman for Mayor (Las Vegas, NV) Melinda Hamilton for City Council (Sunnyvale, CA) Jim Hart for Sheriff (Santa Cruz, CA) Jeff Hatfield for County Commissioner (Vanderburgh County, IN) John Howe for City Council (Sunnyvale, CA) Cameron Johnson for City Council (San Carlos, CA) Madeline Kellner for City Council (Novato, CA) Steve Kinsey for Supervisor (Marin County, CA) Gary Lieberstein for District Attorney (Napa County, CA) Jim Leland for City Council (Novato, CA) John Leopold for Supervisor (Santa Cruz, CA) Linda LeZotte for City Council (San Jose, CA) Mary Luros for City Council (Napa, CA) Nancy Magee, San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools Rafael Mandelman for Supervisor (San Francisco, CA) Shelly Masur for School Board (Redwood City, CA) Shelly Masur for City Council (Redwood City, CA) Gus Morrison for Mayor (Fremont, CA) Peter Mott for City Council (Napa, CA) Jean Nels for School Board (Mt. Shasta, CA) No Recall of Councilmember Madison Nguyen (San Jose, CA) Mary Ann Nihart for City Council (Pacifica, CA) David Oro for City Council (American Canyon, CA) Peter Ortiz for City Council (San Jose, CA) Jane Parker for Supervisor (Monterey, CA) Dave Pine for County Supervisor (San Mateo, CA) Dave Pine for San Mateo HSD Board (Burlingame, CA,) Belia Eugenia Ramos-Bennett for City Council (American Canyon, CA) Steve Rice for Town Council (Los Gatos, CA) Stephen Rogers for San Mateo HSD Board (Hillsborough, CA) Jamie Scardina for Sheriff (Marin, CA) Ben Shoulders for County Commissioner (Vanderburgh County, IN) Rod Sinks for City Council (Cupertino, CA) Mark Stone for County Supervisor (Santa Cruz, CA) Ari Symons for Judge (Santa Cruz, CA) Mabel Teng for Assessor (San Francisco, CA) Jamie Ellen Thistlethwaite for Superior Court Judge (Sonoma, CA) Ben Trockman for City Council (Evansvile, IN) Richard Ulmer for Superior Court Judge (San Francisco, CA) Peter Van Zant for Supervisor (Nevada County) Shelley Vana for County Commissioner (Palm Beach County,) Brad Wagenknecht for County Supervisor (Napa County, CA) Lori Wilson for Mayor (Suisun City, CA) Lawrence Wong for College Board (San Francisco, CA) Cathy Woolard for City Council President (Atlanta, GA) Mardi Wormhoudt for County Supervisor (Santa Cruz, CA) Norman Yee for Supervisor (San Francisco, CA)
Ballot MeasuresNo on Q (Citizens for Laguna Beach's Future, Laguna Beach, CA) No on Measure 15-203 (Natural Medicines, Jackson County, OR) Yes on 122 (Natural Medicines, Colorado) Yes on Measure W (California Water, Los Angeles, CA) Yes on Proposition 106 (End of Life Options, CO) No on Measure 1 (Protecting the Right to Choose, ND) No on Measure 90 (Top-Two Primaries, OR) No on Measure O (California American Water, Monterey, CA) Respect ABQ Women (Protecting the Right to Choose, Albuquerque, NM) No on Prop H (San Francisco Fake School Reform, CA) No on Proposition 23 (Protecting CA Environmental Laws) No on Measure R (Budget Mandates, Palo Alto, CA) No on Measures 58-64, Yes on 56 (Defend Oregon) No on Proposition B (Port Development Plan, San Diego, CA) Yes on the Zionsville Reorganization (Zionsville, IN) No on Amendment 40 (Judicial Term Limits, Denver, CO) No on J (South San Francisco, CA) Yes on Amendment 36 (Make Your Vote for President Count, CO) No on O (Coffee Prohibitions, Berkeley, CA) No on Measure 9 (Basic Rights Oregon) No on Measure L (San Francisco Growth Measure, CA) No on Measure G (Palo Alto Homeowner Restrictions, CA) Yes on Prop 200 (Arizona Healthy Children Initiative) Yes on Proposition A (San Francisco Parks Bond, CA) Yes on Proposition C (San Francisco Parks Charter Change, CA)
Land UseLennar Homes Macerich Cisco Systems Grosvenor Pulte Homes Sand Hill Property Company SummerHill Homes Centex Homes Coyote Housing Group The Irvine Company Squaw Valley USA Oakland A’s Baseball Club GBN Partners Ponderosa Homes No on Measure C (Building Restrictions, Cupertino, CA) Yes on Measure D (SF Giants/Mission Rock Project, San Francisco, CA) Yes on Measure A (Netflix office expansion initiative, Los Gatos, CA) No on Measure U (Protecting Pacific Union College Property Rights, Napa County, CA) Yes on Measure B (Silver Rose Hotel Redevelopment, Calistoga, CA) Yes on Measure R (Sustainable Development, Berkeley, CA) No on Measure U (Shoreline Mega-Casino, Richmond, CA) Yes on Measure I (Neiman Marcus/Broadway Plaza Initiative, Walnut Creek, CA) Yes on G / No on F (Hunters Point Revitalization, San Francisco, CA) Yes on Measures A & B (Senior Affordable Housing, Santa Clara, CA) No on Measure K (Patterson Ranch Initiative, Fremont, CA) No on A (Bahia Development, Novato, CA)

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